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Long Island Art Directory

FRESH is an in-flux art collective dedicated to underground and emerging artists of Long Island. Since 2006, FRESH has been at the forefront of the exploding Long Island art scene, exhibiting some of the areas most progressive and thought provoking artists. FRESH maintains a home-base gallery at Toast Coffeehouse in Port Jefferson, curating monthly solo and group exhibitions and have also collaborated with The Parrish Art Museum on experimental art events such as Project Eco-Vision, Project Hot Shot, and Project Sandstorm. Our goal is to continue to help Long Island artists connect with eachother while providing them with new and interesting alternative spaces to expose their work.

Listing Information
Average Visitor Rating: 5.00 (Out of 5)
Number of ratings: 1
Hits: 7248
Added: 2011-01-11 20:14:17
Last updated: 2011-01-11 20:11:39

Making Encaustic Medium
I fell in love with encaustic paintings the first time I saw one hanging. There was just something about the work... The luminosity, the transparency, the brilliance. It was unlike anything that I had ever seen before. I knew I had to try it and once I did, I was hooked.
Using Color to Express Your Creativity
Colors have an amazing impact on our lives. From the red of our stop signs and traffic lights, to the ever important green of a dollar bill, color is integrated into every facet of our daily adventures. No where is this more clear, than in our art and in our artistic creativity.
How to make your own oil paints
How to make your own oil paintsOil paints are made basically by mixing cold-pressed Linsed oil with pigment or color until a smooth buttery paint is produced. When the oil paint is used and applied to a surface the oil oxidizes or absorbs air and then forms a solid film that binds the pigment to the surface of the painting.
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