The word “collage”, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, refers to “an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth or wood) glued on a surface.” It is derived from the French verb, coller, which means to glue. Collages are fun to create and can be incorporated as a useful coaching tool. You might encourage your clients to make collages around different things, qualities, ideas, and opportunities that they wish to attract into their life. These personal artistic creations are a powerful way to make a statement about what you want most. While there are a lot of techniques you can use when designing and developing your collage, here are some tips to keep in mind. |
Collage, from the French word “coller” (to stick), is a technique that incorporates fragments of paper and collected or found objects into artistic compositions. The National Gallery of Art credits Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso with legitimizing collage as fine art. Today any material fixed to a surface may be termed collage. |