Miles Partington
November 8, 2016 by Pat Rogers 

“UnCommon Art Show” opens this weekend at Ashawagh Hall in East Hampton. The group show, sponsored by Hampton Photo Arts, will continue to accept artist submissions at their shop in Bridgehampton through Friday, November 11, 2016 or until all the artist spots have been filled. The exhibition, created from an Open Call for Artists, is designed to both attract artists from the East End and artists who are working with unusual materials, an unusual process or creating art that may push boundaries. Even before the doors open on Saturday, November 12, 2016, Hampton Photo Arts is peeling back some of the suspense to reveal the work of four artists who will exhibit in the show. First up is Miles Partington. Miles Partington is a Southampton native who has been making art from an early age. He was an assistant to figurative sculptorWilliam King (1925-2015) for a time. The sense of humor and whimsy demonstrated in Partington’s sculptures is a clear connection between the emerging artist and the master sculptor. Both artists make figurative work that has a twist of the unusual. Both artists make figurative work that has a twist of the unusual. Partington works in both carved wood and hand molded clay in another connection to the renowned artist. Partington frequently includes animals in his work that can range from carved tableaux, narrative scenes, self-portraits or figurative sculpture. The time he spent withWilliam King was instrumental on many levels, said Partington in a phone interview. Being able to relax into infusing his own sense of humor and sense of whimsy into his art without qualm was a benefit of working with King, said Partington. So was solidifying his interest and move from painting, drawing and stencil into sculpture. Anotherinfluenceishisstep-fatherD,ennisSnyder.Anotherartistwhoembraceshumoranda sense of the absurd in his work, Snyder began taking Partington to art exhibition when he was around three years old, said Partington.


HPA Southampton NY. Photo, Art and Framing


HPA Southampton NY. Photo, Art and Framing

Hampton Photo, Art and Framing Bridgehampton, New York

Hampton Photo, Art and Framing Bridgehampton, New York

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